Monday, September 2, 2013

Start Early

Start Early
Change the World

School bells ring and buses mix into the morning commute.  School is back in session.  Time for homework, afterschool activities and . . . stress?

Kids and teens face an enormous amount of pressure not just from school but at home, on the computer and on the field.  I work with a group of young ladies at Girls Inc. of Washington County each school year.  We discuss their daily activities and struggles.

Back in the old days (those would be my days), one could leave all the drama at the end of the school day.  Now, with texting, Facebook, Instagram and whatever other social network that has released since I wrote this, kids and teens are glued to the conversation to ensure they are not the main topic.  One pre-teen described middle school as “being under a microscope.”

Yoga and meditation can help build self-confidence as well as provide tools to deal with the stressful teen years.  Asana practice (physical practice of the poses) allows kids and teens to become more aware of their body, and appreciative of what it can do.  Meditation along with easy breathing techniques gives their mind a moment to process without the distractions.

Kids and teens can start with the tried and true Sun Salutation sequence.  Start slowly by completing 5 rounds as many days during the week.  Then, add meditation and breathing every morning or evening (or both!).

Encourage your kids and teens to keep a journal or allow open conversation so they can release the highs and lows of the day.  Don’t have children?  You can volunteer or support a local children’s organization.  Positive role models are always needed.

“It’s true we’ll make a better day.  Just you and me.” Michael Jackson’s We are the World.

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