Sleep is Beautiful
A Daily Tune-Up
Ah, vacation. Why is it when we’re on a vacation, we
feel so refreshed and energized? We have
no responsibilities, no agendas, nowhere to be.
We are able to fully relax and enjoy the moment. Falling asleep in Savasana? It’s a sign that your body needs more sleep.
Numerous medical reports
state adults need 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Every night!
Kids and teens need even more. Sleep
is important to help restore the body.
While you drift off to Never Never Land, our bodies are focusing on
other tasks like filing memories, restoring muscle tissues, resetting digestive
functions and overall, rejuvenating the brain’s function. Growth hormones are secreted during sleep
aiding in growth for children and repair tissues in adults.
Restless nights begin
to add up. Lack of sleep is linked
to increased cases of diabetes, heart problems, weight gain, depression among
other illnesses. It affects our personality and sense of humor. We’re more
irritable and less tolerant
How can you get more
quality sleep?
· Establish a routine going to bed at the same
time even on the weekends.
· Tune out electronics an hour before bedtime.
· Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime along
with smoking.
· Finish eating 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Exercise regularly.
Make sleep a priority
now, and avoid winter woes like a cold, the flu or added agitation with the
holidays. Every night is an opportunity to take a mini-vacation. Sweet dreams!
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