Sunday, February 2, 2014

Heart of the Matter

Heart of the Matter
Getting Emotional

Since receiving Shiva Rea’s new book, Tending the Heart Fire, I’ve been intrigued with how little I know about our hearts.   For instance, you probably already knew heart disease is the #1 killer among men and women.  It causes one in four deaths every year per the CDC.  Yes, poor diet and physical inactivity contribute to these high statistics.

But have you ever considered that our heart is more than just a pump? Our heart is a workhorse pumping thousands of gallons of blood throughout our body every hour.  It is connected via the circulatory system to every part of our body.  “Within one minute, the heart can circulate one breath throughout the body.”

In addition, the heart communicates to every cell in our body through its electrical field. (Yes, I realize this is a bit more scientific than most of my posts, but stay with me on this.)  It communicates feelings, thoughts, and emotions along with nutrients to each and every crevice within the body.

When presented with new information, where do you feel you process this information? In the heart or in the mind?  For example, you have been offered a promotion at work.  Your initial feelings are of joy and excitement actually felt within the heart then translated by the mind.  Thus, we process new information in the heart first.

So, if we process the information in the heart first, and the heart can communicate to every cell in our body within a minute, think about how quickly what you think and feel can disrupt about a situation will affect your entire body.  Within one minute, you can feel happiness or sadness.  Add to this the stressful lives we lead of all work and no play.  This stress on the body contributes to the overall number of heart disease claims.

We can help our heart stay healthy and fit by tuning into it.  With realization that our emotions affect our wellbeing, we can begin with each breath.  Slow down, and try to stay calm when processing information avoiding the fight or flight scenario to every instance.  Notice what situations get your blood pumping (in a bad way), and find ways to prevent them in the future – preparing more, leaving earlier, redefining job responsibilities, enjoying life more.

“Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before…”
“The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe

It is your heart calling, calling once more.

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