Monday, November 5, 2012

Lose Your Senses

Lose Your Senses
Discover Bliss Anywhere

“Forty-five minute delay?” I said quietly to myself while waiting at the airport. It’s not that I haven’t experienced flight delays before, but today I’m flying with my three and half month old daughter for the first time, and this alone makes my anxious Vata dosha soar.

My daughter begins to get restless waiting in her stroller so I immediately swoop her in my arms and begin to walk.  I gently begin the all to common “shushing” you hear mom’s do.  We walk, rock and swing back and forth at the end of the terminal.

Before I know it, I’ve started closing my own eyes while we move, and it seems as though the airport has gotten silent.  My mind isn’t wandering.  It’s right here feeling the rhythmic motion of my body.  It’s as if I can feel every step, every sway at this exact moment.  And it feels wonderful!

One of Patanjali’s eight limbs of Yoga is pratyahara or the practice of withdrawing your senses.  When one is fully immersed in pratyahara, he is readying his mind and body for meditation and full enlightenment.  Or in my case, it grounded my mind and body so that I may remain relaxed and calm for my daughter.

Pratyahara is achievable by anyone with a desire to practice it.  Start by bringing your awareness to your breath while driving one morning.  Turn off the radio and look around.  Each time your mind begins to review your “to-do” list, acknowledge it and return to your breath.  Next, see if you can drop any thoughts and opinions like “this view is beautiful” and just be in the moment – good or bad. Don’t give up if it doesn’t happen on the first try.  Practice is the key and you’ll notice it gets easier each time you try.

Savor each moment.  With the holiday season upon us, the practice of pratyahara just may give you a bit of sanity while waiting for your flight, purchasing your holiday gifts or enduring your tenth holiday party.