Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Let It Flow

Frozen Water: Seen under a microscope while Yesterday by the Beatles was playing.

Let It Flow
One Snowflake at a Time

Perhaps you’ve heard of a movie by the name of “Frozen.”  It’s just another small cartoon Disney produced last year.  My little llama quickly became fond of the movie, and its story of the love between two sisters.  For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, beware of a spoiler alert – Elsa casts a freezing spell on her sister, Anna, but the magic is broken when Anna gives her life to save her sister’s.

This “Frozen” story reminded me of a research project I heard about many years ago.  Dr. MasaruEmoto was a doctor of alternative medicine that became interested in make-up of water.  Water.  For you and me, it’s simply something we don’t even think much about.  We drink it.  We use it for cooking.  We bathe in it.  But how much thought do you give to water?

Emoto studied the differences between bodies of water and found that the frozen crystal form of water showed its true nature.  He then added other elements like music and words to the water as he froze them.  He then took microscopic pictures of the frozen water drops.  It is amazing to think a Beatles song can change the composition of a drop of water.  But it does! 

So, now back to us.  Our bodies are made up of 60% water.  In any given day, we are exposed to different conversations, thoughts and emotions.  We even listen to various music and television shows.  Emoto found that calming, loving sounds created some of the most beautiful snowflakes while loud sounds left a distorted water drop.

If you were to look under a microscope of your own water make-up, what would you see?  Surround yourself with positive influences and feel the beauty within.

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