Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Surrender to the Season

Surrender to the Season
Mindful Sleeping

“This is the season of dropping the old and surrendering to what is.  From the trees, we learn how to let go during the season, how to surrender.  Trees are not attached to any leaf.  …they give their luxurious leaves to Mother Earth and go within deep meditation. “ ~ Vasant Lad

As we say good-bye to the end of autumn and welcome the chilly breezes of winter, we, too, must prepare ourselves for the upcoming holiday season.

RELEASE: Ask yourself, “What am I still holding onto this year?”  Are you still wondering why you didn’t get a raise, or why your friend hasn’t apologized?  It doesn’t matter.  It was in the past, and we have to learn to let it go.  Holding onto emotions such as guilt, anger and fear will manifest in our system as future disease and conflict.

REFLECT: Just as Mother Nature takes a long nap during winter, it’s also a great time for us to go deep within our self.  Dedicate 5 minutes (or more if you have time) to a meditation practice such as SoHum.  After a week of practice, allow the silence to speak to you.  What makes you happy? What are you grateful to have in your life?  How can you channel these people and experiences to affect your overall perspective of life?

Surrendering to fall and our life as it is brings about new opportunities we might have missed.  Take a deep breath, and enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with your neurotic, yet loving family.  Indulge in the happiness of spending time together.

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