Sunday, December 1, 2013

Peace + Quiet

Peace + Quiet
Antidote for Holiday Stress

Smells of cinnamon and evergreen fill the stores and maybe your house this time of the year.  The holiday season is in full force, and we are all rushing around picking up those last minute gifts, attending parties and cooking for guests.

I recently made a decision to stay home for the winter holidays forgoing my 32-year tradition of celebrating with my family in Florida.  It was a hard decision, but one that actually brought more peace to my life.  Nothing is more hectic than traveling at the holidays, and now, I would be adding a child to that stressful event.  So now, we spend our springs with my family when air traffic is slower, and the weather is less of a cancellation threat.

I am living my peace.  I am making decisions (when I can) that help bring calmness to my family and myself.  By living in a peaceful rhythm, we begin to change the world around us.  Our family, friends and even strangers begin to feel this shift of peaceful energies.  Some even begin to shift their rhythms. 

Ghandi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  I hold this quote close to my heart and believe it to the fullest.  We may represent one drop in an ocean of people, but that one drop can create a ripple through the hearts of all people.  Live your life with passion, peace and love.

Below is a Peace Invocation I adapted from a training with Shiva Rea.  Practice this invocation in the morning before your yoga practice or before you start your day.

Body Movement: Raise arms over your head, drawing both hands down the center stopping at your heart.

Invocation: Begin by facing east on your mat. Lift arms, and silently pray, “Let there be peace to everyone I love and know in the east.” Pause.  Think about everyone you know and don’t know.  Think about anyone that could use your healing powers. Turn to the south. Inhale and exhale praying, “Let there be peace to everyone I know and love in the south.”Turn to the west. Inhale and exhale praying, “Let there be peace to everyone I know and love in the west.” Next, turn to the north. “Let there be peace to everyone I love and know in the north.” Finally, turn back turn to face east again.  Draw the arms up and silently speak “Let there be peace within me.”