Finding a Moment
One Task at a Time
I’m going to tell you
a secret. “Multi-tasking” is a myth,
a legend though it is listed on countless job descriptions and resumes. I, too, had this characteristic indented on
my resume. I even felt I was the queen
of multi-tasking. I could easily juggle
email, phone calls, data entry and analysis at the same time.
Or could I? It wasn’t until I started my yoga teachertraining that I began to see how many different directions I was going. I was building a sales presentation while
taking client calls then popping downstairs to restart the laundry (benefits of
working from home). Sometimes this
method seemed to work seamlessly and other times, I found so many mistakes in
my presentation or would forget what a client just said.
Shiva Rea, creator of
Prana Flow®, speaks in depth about embodiment, and how our culture pushes us to
do otherwise. We basically check our
bodies into one cubbyhole then place the mind in another. They are not working together when we juggle
multiple tasks. My fingers may be typing
an email, but my mind is planning what to say next to a vendor.
This action is
half-action. Multi-tasking is giving
a portion of your attention to the task at hand. Why not give all of your attention, and fully
embody the task? Structure your day to
work on one task at a time. For example,
only respond to emails once an hour instead of responding to each one as they
Do you want to enjoy
15% of your life at a time? Feel
more accomplishment in your to-do list by actually focusing on one task at a