Asking for Help
Taking a Hand
A friend asks if you can watch her kids for an hour while
she attends an appointment. Another asks
if you can spare a few minutes to listen to his latest dilemma. And when family calls, you immediately drop
everything to assist. We love to
help. We feel great when we become
someone’s hero. So, why do we resist
letting them help us?
Perhaps it’s my Southern upbringing, but I have a hard time
asking for help. I would gladly give the
shirt off my back to help someone else, but asking her to pick up dinner
because I’m sick is out of the question.
I brought this topic up to another Southern friend of mine (who’s sweet
as pie and guilty of not asking for help too.)
Ultimately, our hesitation to ask for help boiled down to thinking it’s
an inconvenience to bother anyone else with our needs.
Now that I have two young children, I’ve had to relearn how
to ask for help. Asking for assistance
isn’t a burden to someone else. She
likely loves the fact that you even thought of her to help. This is a new way of thinking for me, and I
have to remember how happy I feel to help and now someone can do that for me.
This month I’ve asked Laura Martin to substitute my classes
while I spend some time bonding with the newest llama. She willingly jumped to the opportunity to
lend a helping hand. Along with Laura, I’ve
armed myself with a team of friends and family that can assist me during this
change in my life.
I urge you to do the same.
Pick up the phone. Call and ask
for help next time.